How ReqMan optimizes your Requirements Management
Use the following functions and features provided by ReqMan to automate requirements management and thus save time and significantly improve efficiency and quality:
Automatically import requirements from documents regardless of document format and structure. ReqMan supports the import of PDF, Word, Excel and ReqIF files. A graphical profile editor allows you to quickly train ReqMan to recognize the structure of documents so that it can interpret them and break them down into individual requirements and/or requirement attributes. It is the only software worldwide that also offers this capability for PDF files – for example the PDF files containing requirements specifications that you often receive from customers.
Export (evaluated) requirements in the standardized ReqIF format or as intelligent Excel files and make them available to downstream systems, such as PLM systems or other requirements management systems.
Compare different document versions, or even different documents, at the click of a button. Changes made to the text as well to images and tables are visualized regardless of the original format. This saves you the time and hassle of comparing drawings manually. ReqMan also recognizes whether and where requirements have been moved within a document. You are provided with a truly valuable overview within a matter of seconds.
Classify and evaluate your requirements in ReqMan in parallel with other team members. ReqMan remembers who edited each individual requirement, adding which comment and when. This ensures absolute traceability – even in the event of a claim.
ReqMan automatically makes sure that the relationships between pieces of information remain up-to-date and consistent, even across different formats. Ensure that you automatically comply with IATF and ISO9000 without creating additional work for yourself or your employees.
It is often necessary to specify customer requirements in greater detail or to break them down. ReqMan offers you the option of breaking down or merging existing requirements or creating requirements manually, which enables you to process them as flexibly as possible, e.g. when creating a compliance matrix.
Work in parallel with your colleagues (also globally across different locations) in ReqMan using a central database and state-of-the-art synchronization technology and evaluate the requirements in the projects together. You benefit from ReqMan’s integrated and flexible role and rights management capability, which ensures that everyone can see exactly the information they need but nothing more.
Link requirements with each other to ensure traceability in your projects at all times. View comments between linked requirements (e.g. the same requirements in different projects) and quickly compare the evaluation results.
Create a baseline within ReqMan at any time and freeze the status of the work in hand. This enables you to access this status again at any time – and on the basis of any individual requirement.
Use ReqMan’s integrated full-text search capability to perform searches on requirements across all projects. This allows you to find each and every requirement, regardless of the project or department it was created and entered in, or the person who created and entered it.
Create individually configurable Excel reports for customers and partners easily and quickly, thus providing them with selected/evaluated requirements or with requirements that still need to be evaluated. The reports can also be used to allow partners or suppliers to evaluate requirements or to enable your customers to comment on requirements. When the requirements are re-imported, ReqMan ensures that they end up in the right place, thus completing the “round trip” from you to external partners and back again.
Monitoring project status
ReqMan’s dashboards allow you to keep track of the progress of your project. You know exactly how many requirements have yet to be evaluated, which customer deadlines are looming and can thus manage your team of requirements experts efficiently. ReqMan helps you meet customer deadlines without any hassle or stress.
ReqMan architecture: modular and flexible

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